Contact us at [email protected] . A number of copies of Vol.I (1st edition) are available currently from the author, price £5 plus postage. Similarly, there are printed copies of Vol.4 covering the period before and just after Pearl Harbor, price £20 plus postage. Disc copies have been made for Vol.I (2nd ed.), as well as Vols.V-VII. but are still in the process of being arranged for sale.

Likewise, copies of The Polish Labyrinth and ‘Stormy Petrel’ (the story of Thomas Brown) are being processed, but prices to be fixed at as reasonable a level as possible. A draft text for the book on Richard Sorge and the Pacific War is ready and will be processed as soon as possible.

Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.  We look forward to hearing from you!